Friday 28 September 2007

Good Blogkeeping

The following post is complete nonsense. But, it serves to demonstrate how varied photographs, properly scaled and positioned can entice a reader to continue reading. It will also show how to overcome bloggers block. Politics is everywhere if you look for it. All these photos were taken in a one hour drive and I do not, repeat DO NOT, live in an interesting area. We'll look at the themes we can explore with them. It's also an excuse to publish some stock photos I presently have no use for but find somehow appealing.

Anyways, on with the post. One of my regular jaunts into the local countryside leads me to one of the most awesome spots in the whole of the Pennines (pictured). Bronte Country. How anyone saw fit to site a wind farm here is quite beyond me. One wonders if anyone got a say in it.

They are visible for 30 miles on the tops of Yorkshire. Whoever asked for them?

Speaking of vandalising the countryside, the site is now a favoured fly tipping spot. One is tempted to blame the Waste Framework Directive but lets face it, it's pure laziness. There's really nothing stopping anyone going to a household waste dump with this kind of garbage. I find it curious that anyone would drive out into the middle of the moors to get rid of junk when there are so many household waste sites available these days. Theres a story in that somewhere.

Elsewhere, Special thanks to Bradford Council for letting the whole world know that my neighbourhood more crackdens than dentists. One wonders how much that billboard poster cost, who is paying for it and whether they could have afforded a man to clean up the fly tipping had they not used it for that. In fact I could go on quite a spree photographing local authority adverts. Perhaps the ONS knows how much we are spending on community advertising. There's a blog in itself.

Speaking of dentists, we can all have a good rant on the impossibility of finding one on the NHS even though we've paid for it. And what better illustration could I ask than this one? Going by the brand new BMW and Aston Martin sat outside I would say that there's not much to be said for doing NHS work. There's a story.

Of course because it's a portrait picture it means I have to rant a bit more just to fill space. So here I'm going to include a very small picture of a rather sweet little tractor.

Also, you can never go wrong with a picture of a police car. This one next to an ambulance is a mega bonus.

Perhaps someone has been a victim of the guns that are sold round the back lane and tested on Highways Agency property. OK so this photo is a total fluke and you probably have to live in Birmingham to find this sort of thing on a regular basis.

So if I can find all this in just an hours drive in BRADFORD... what's your excuse?

I'm sure everyone reading this lives somewhere more interesting than West Yorkshire. Very often your local issues are national issues and there are plenty of them if you open your eyes to them.

See. Plenty of politics, a long post with pictures, we're this far down the page, and you're still reading this rubbish. I rest my case.... Well, almost. A bit more text will fill up the page to stop images hanging over the end of the post, and bring the piece to a neat conclusion. From a presentational point of view, there are few things worse then the text stopping short of an illustration. Those without Photoshop may benefit from this superb little site for resizing images.